Friday, August 1, 2008

A Page of My Own

After spending so much time designing websites and blogs for our family, groups that I participate in, customers, and friends I decided it was time to create one of my own; something a little girly with a hint of fun and a splash of introspective. I don't yet know what it will look like or how often I will post, but I like that it's out here and when I have a moment (like now while my husband and son are away camping) I can sit down and write. I miss writing. I miss having long periods of uninterrupted time to write or to think, or to...

So where was I? Oh yes, I was remembering the old days when I had time to think and write. Now I have children, a husband, responsibilities, chores, and not so much time as before. But it's a good life. It's a life filled with joys, when I remember to look for them and observe them. It's a life filled with friends and connections. It's a good life; a full life.

Welcome to a page of my own.

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