Sunday, August 3, 2008

Journey to Simplicity

Katherine and I have had a quiet weekend here while the "boys" were gone camping with the Blue Wave Tae Kwon Do Association. We had a quiet Saturday morning at home followed by a relaxed afternoon of shopping, lunching, and playing together. It was reminiscent of the times that Patrick and I used to have when he was little and we would spend time out and about doing things together.

Since then life has become hurried, busy, full. Obligations to be here, go there, work on this, do that, and the desire to just sit still often pull in opposite directions. A life with little stuff, less clutter, and fewer requirements sounds pleasing, yet the convenience of having supplies for crafting, tools for doing house projects, and the space to spread out and play is equally pleasing. Still, a simpler life would probably be good for all of us.

But what, exactly, is a simpler life? What does it mean to be simple? I guess simple can have different meanings depending on who you are and where you are in your life. It probably involves eliminating everything that is not essential, freeing up time from doing an endless list of tasks and spending more time doing what’s important to you; getting rid of the clutter so that what you have left is only that which gives you value, pleasure, joy.

Getting to that point, however, isn't a simple five-step process that gets you to a fixed destination. It's more like a journey; a journey in which you learn to say "yes" to the things that you do want in your life (that add value) and "no" to the things you do not.

When Jesus sent his disciples out his instructions were simple; "Take nothing for the journey except a staff — no bread, no bag, no money in your belts. Wear sandals but not an extra tunic."

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