Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wire Wrap Class #2

At the end of May I attended a beginner wire wrapping class at my local bead store.  It was a prerequisite class for tonight's class, Advanced Wire Wrapping.  I learned some new tricks which will be helpful, and I learned some new techniques that will allow me to expand my wire wrapping repertoire.

I also learned that I don't really like to work with 22 gauge gold filled half hard wire.  When I first learned wire wrapping, the woman who taught me had me use 20 gauge sterling silver dead soft.  Perhaps it's partly a matter of what one gets "used to", but I found tonight's wire to be very difficult to work with.  It easily broke, and when I wanted to make free hand loops I got angular bends instead of soft rounds.  I like the techniques I learned, so I'm curious to try again using a different wire.

Here's what I took home from class. (The cabochon was mine.  It's Dragon Blood Jasper.)

I made this piece during a wire wrapping class.  I learned some helpful techniques, and that I don't really care for 22 gauge gold fill half hard for free hand turning.  I'm thinking I'll try redoing this with a different wire.

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