Monday, August 19, 2013

Camping Treats - for the big people

What could be better during a camping trip than a dessert with grasshoppers?! Okay, I guess the grasshoppers are just in the name.  This Chocolate Grasshopper Cheesecke was part of my contribution to our annual group camping trip with several families.

This group has gathered for a camping trip each summer for several years and recently invited us to join in.  We haven't been able to attend every year, but we did this year, and the State Park that we invaded (like a swarm of bees) was Elmore State Park.  We've been there before (as a family) and it's still a nice place.

We were responsible for dinner (with another family) on Saturday night.  I made Sloppy Joes, and this dessert.  Both were well received.
Chocolate Grasshopper Cheesecke.  Tried 08/17/13 on a bunch of friends during a camping trip.  All reports were good, and the recipe is pretty easy.

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