Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Journey to Stardom

Last night I led my first training as the Small Group Leader Coordinator for MOPS. My primary responsibility is training, but I will also provide tools and materials to help the Leaders in their role. Having been a Leader myself for the past five years I had a good idea what to expect in terms of turnout so was surprised to see that every single Small Group Leader was there. At a social event at my house a little over a week ago I had a very good turn out as well, but I attributed most of that to curiosity and wanting to see how our new house turned out. (Stories have been circulating about the MOPS mom who burned down her house to build a new one.) Since we met at the church, curiosity was not the driving force. Could it be that they came because of me?

The training went well. The materials were well received, the Leaders were engaged and asked great questions, and the feedback afterward was quite favorable.

After allowing myself a brief moment of basking in the glow of my own greatness I quickly moved on, recognizing the reality of the situation. It is not I who did such a great training. It is not ME who is so brilliant and great. It is not MINE to claim the glory for such a wonderful turnout of Leaders or for the commitment that these women demonstrate. The source of all this greatness can only be linked to one place; God. It is HE who brought these women together to be leaders. It is HIS greatness that filled the room last night and brought all these women together for training. And I honor HIM by offering to MOPS (and any other area where I serve) the gifts that He so freely gives to me.

I am not a MOPS superstar; I am just the recipient of gratuitous blessings and some gifts that I like to share with others.

However, when those moments arise when I want to "feel" like a superstar I can listen to this song by Go Fish. Click here to hear a bit of "Superstar".


Special edition, one of a kind
Look in the mirror and that's what you'll find
God had a plan when He made you
And now it's time to follow it through

Did you know you're a superstar?
You'll never know how far
You can get from where you are
'Cuz your're a superstar
You don't have to play guitar
Or drive a fancy car
God loves you the way you are
To Him you're a superstar

Verse 2
Distinctly irreplaceable
Nobody else could be like you
Uniquely individual
God loves to watch the things that you do

Verse 3
Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together
'Cuz guess what? The star is you
The curtain's up. The lights are down
We're all wondering whatcha gonna do?

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