Monday, February 23, 2015

Another Success

With my entry table "dressed" and my front hall looking more decorated, I was ready to attack a framing project.

Seven years ago we built this new house, and for the past three years or so my husband has been expressing an interest in putting up pictures.  "This would be a great picture for the wall"...hint, hint

But with all the windows in this house, portals to the beautiful surroundings that we call "home", who needs pictures on the wall?  All of nature is my picture.  Right?  That's a good excuse for not hanging pictures, isn't it?  Well,  that's my defense and I'm stickin' to it.

Okay.  I know, it's a crappy excuse to not have pictures of my children on the wall.  And then, to further reduce my good excuses, my mother sent me these awesome collage frames from Pottery Barn.  The fact that two out of three of them arrived in pieces doesn't matter.  Just look at those cute faces!  Each collage gets a theme; His, Hers, and Theirs.




The threesome is hanging in the hallway that leads to their bedrooms, and the balance (frame to wall space balance) is really good.

It's not a great picture, but this panarama gives you an idea of how the whole wall looks.  I really like the way it turned out.  Hmmm.  Maybe this framing thing isn't so bad.  I wonder what else I can frame and put on the wall.

Thursday, February 12, 2015


It only took me a year and a half, but I finally did what I set out to do.

Last summer (not the one of most recent past, but the one before that) I enjoyed some good ol' fashioned shopping for home decorating supplies while I was visiting family in Michigan.  Good decorating stores are hard to find here, so I took advantage of being in a larger metropolitan area.  I had a plan.

Then I got home.

Once I was back, I put the table in place and stored the new purchases in the basement with the other decorating supplies that didn't have a home upstairs.  Weeks passed, but the table sat there...naked.  Months passed, but still the table was alone.

Fast forward to this week.  Joerg is out of town, and every time he travels (for more than a day or two) I work on predefined projects.  For example, since his departure on Monday morning, I have scanned two binders filled with the kids' educational documents that go back to preschool.  I have sifted through old binders of house-building documents from seven years ago when we built this house.  I have scanned about one hundred old random photos to our new cloud, and I have "downloaded" thousands of pictures from their CD storage onto the cloud (two CD binders down, one to go).  Today, was 'decorate the entry' day.

It wasn't a hugely time-consuming project, but decorating (like clothes shopping) is one of those things for which I must  Today, I was (for decorating, not clothes shopping).

I think I like the way it turned out.  I'll have to "sleep on it" for a couple of days before I call this project complete, but I would say it's a very good first draft.