Sunday, November 27, 2011

Monday, November 21, 2011

Taking the plunge.

Not that I want to ruin the surprise for those of you who will receive one of these in the mail, but I just finished ordering my Christmas cards for this year.  For the past several years I have just purchased nice Christmas cards at the store, signed them with everyone's name, and put them in the mail.  A few would get a note or a couple of pictures thrown in, but not many.  At the same time, I would received a blast of Christmas cards covered with pictures of my family and friends, and their families, and I would think about how cool it was to see pictures of them.  But I wasn't quite ready to jump on the photo-card bandwagon.  After all, just because everyone else is doing it doesn't mean *I* have to.

Then again, if I enjoy seeing pictures of my family and friends, doesn't it stand to reason that they might also enjoy seeing pictures of us?  So, I did it. The cards have been ordered.  Maybe next year I'll remember to include pictures of Joerg and myself. :)

With Love Christmas Card
Create from the Heart: photo Christmas cards from Shutterfly .
View the entire collection of cards.